Marvel: War of Heroes Wiki

Ok, now that there are a pretty decent number of recorded battles at the Relatively Low tier of proc rates, it's time to look at what they're saying collectively. 

At this point it might as well be confirmed fact that not only is your center card (Card 1) much more likely to proc than any of the other cards, but it should also be noted that if it doesn't, your odds of getting a three proc seem to be far less, and for that matter, if the center card doesn't proc first, it won't proc at all. In over 600 battles, this has been true. 

Now, quick rundown of some things regarding the Skilled Marksman Hawkeye deck.

101 Battles Card 1 Card 2 Card 3 Card 4 Card 5
Total procs 64 32 28 32 27
Single procs 17 4 3 4 4
1st proc 64 9 7 8 5
2nd proc 0 16 17 12 16
3rd proc 0 7 4 12 6
Three proc fights 29
Three proc/no C1 6
Two proc fights 32
Single proc fights 32
No proc fights 8
11311 Domino
100 Battles Card 1 Card 2 Card 3 Card 4 Card 5
Total Procs 63 21 28 27 29
Single Procs 16 3 4 4 3
1st Proc 63 4 7 6 8
2nd Proc 0 13 14 14 16
3rd Proc 0 4 7 7 4
Three proc fights 22
Three proc/no C1 2
Two proc fights 36
Single proc fights 30
No proc fights 12
11113 Domino
100 Battles Card 1 Card 2 Card 3 Card 4 Card 5
Total Procs 59 26 26 33 35
Single Procs 13 2 3 8 6
1st Proc 59 7 6 10 11
2nd Proc 0 12 15 18 15
3rd Proc 0 7 5 4 9
Three proc fights 25
Three proc/no C1 6
Two proc fights 36
Single proc fights 32
No proc fights 7
31111 Domino
100 Battles Card 1 Card 2 Card 3 Card 4 Card 5
Total Procs 69 27 31 32 25
Single Procs 16 4 3 5 2
1st Proc 69 7 7 9 3
2nd Proc 0 17 17 17 13
3rd Proc 0 3 7 6 9
Three proc fights 25
Three proc/no C1 5
Two proc fights 40
Single proc fights 30
No proc fights 5
11131 Domino
100 Battles Card 1 Card 2 Card 3 Card 4 Card 5
Total Procs 69 33 30 23 21
Single Procs 13 4 4 6 3
1st Proc 69 7 5 7 3
2nd Proc 0 20 17 11 12
3rd Proc 0 6 8 5 6
Three proc fights 25
Three proc/no C1 2
Two proc fights 36
Single proc fights 30
No proc fights 9
13111 Domino
100 Battles Card 1 Card 2 Card 3 Card 4 Card 5
Total Procs 67 27 28 26 31
Single Procs 15 4 3 3 2
1st Proc 67 9 5 5 5
2nd Proc 0 15 15 16 18
3rd Proc 0 3 8 5 8
Three proc fights 24
Three proc/no C1 4
Two proc fights 40
Single proc fights 27
No proc fights 9
Combined Totals
601 Battles Card 1 Card 2 Card 3 Card 4 Card 5
Total Procs 65% 28% 29% 29% 28%
Single Procs 15% 4% 3% 5% 3%
1st Proc 65% 7% 6% 8% 6%
2nd Proc
3rd Proc
Three proc fights 25%
Three proc/no C1 4%
Two proc fights 37%
Single proc fights 30%
No proc fights 8%

I'll be regularly coming back to add the other deck runs, and other information if anyone has suggestions on what else to include. 

So far, results seem to indicate nothing much other than what most people should already know or should have observed by now. Card 1 will always proc the most often, if it doesn't proc first it won't at all, if it doesn't proc at all a three proc is much less likely, and there is no correlation between position outside of the center card that affects proc rate, at least not at this level. Outside of that, it seems to indicate (although I don't want to say it's definitive) that there's virtually no difference whatsoever between the proc rates for a skill 3, and a skill 1 card at this usage level. Furthermore, Relatively Low might be taken to mean (at least temporarily) that your proc rate is just under or around 30%. 
